
CREATION DATE: 01 December 2018
ADOPTED: 10 January 2019
AMENDED: 19 September 2019
Article III Board of Directors Change
See Minutes of Sept 19, 2019 Board Meeting

General Provisions:

  1. The Association shall be organized and operated for the good of the Texas State Guard as a whole and will never be used as a tool for personal gain for any individual, unit; political or otherwise.
  2. The State Guard Association of Texas is not an instrumentality of the Texas State Guard, The Texas Military Department or the State of Texas.  It will be self-sustaining.
  3. The State Guard Association of Texas supports the Texas Military Department policy of equal opportunity and does not discriminate in membership eligibility on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or gender.
  4. The State Guard Association of Texas is not a Chapter in the State Guard Association of the United States.


The purpose of the State Guard Association of Texas shall be:

  1. To promote and support adequate State security.
  2. To foster and improve the Texas State Guard as a component for the security of the State of Texas.
  3. To preserve and perpetuate the history and traditions of the Texas State Guard.
  4. In order to promote the best interest of the Association and the purpose for which it was formed, shall have the power to receive and collect membership dues, accept contributions, and may acquire, hold, take by gift, devise and purchase property, either real or personal and invest its funds therein. It may sell and dispose of such property and create obligations when it appears to be for the best interest of the Association. However, no sale or disposition of any of the assets of this Association shall be made in any manner inconsistent with the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act. All income or increase from whatever source derived shall be used exclusively to promote the purpose for which the Association is organized. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the method of taking title to real property and the method of managing or disposing of the same.
  5. To provide for the support and education for the members of the Texas Military Forces and the Texas State Guard.
  6. To provide an opportunity for all members of the Texas State Guard, active, discharged and retired to enhance the mission and scope of the organization.
  7. The Association may from time to time have the need of full or part-time employees. It may at some point appoint either a full or part-time Executive Director. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to prescribe the duties and compensation of any full or part-time employee. Unless delegated to a specific role in the organization, the Board of Directors will be responsible for hiring and/or terminating of all employees based on majority vote of the Board.
  8. In the event this Association shall be dissolved, application and distribution of assets shall be made in accordance with the terms of Article 1396-6.02 of Corporation Act. Any assets not required to retire existing bona fide obligations of this Association shall be distributed to such organization or organizations chosen by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, provided such donor organization or organizations shall be qualified as an exempt organization under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States, as amended. Furthermore, no distribution shall be made upon such dissolution to any officer director, nor any member of this Association except as such distribution shall be made in settlement of a bona fide indebtedness to the Association due such person.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers of the Association plus the Board Members from the Major Units Components listed below. Each Major Unit Component (Regional Commands) plus Headquarters, Texas State Guard shall have two (2) representatives elected by Association Members assigned to those Units as their representatives. The affairs of the Association shall be under the control and direction of the Board of Directors.

These By-Laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of the majority of voting Members present at any regular Annual Meeting or at any Special Meeting called for the purpose by the President or the Board of Directors. Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be presented to the President of the Association not later the first day of June of the year in which the amendment is to be considered by the membership. The President shall be responsible for posting the amendments on the Association website and informing the eligible voting membership by United States Postal Service mail, mailing service (UPS, FEDEX, etc.), email, FAX or electronic message at least thirty (30) prior to the date of the Annual Meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be considered.

Robert's Rules of Order except as herein modified shall govern the Order of Business. The President of the Association shall arrange the Order of Business and program for each meeting.

This Association shall have a seal that will be circular in form, inscribed in the circle shall be State Guard Association of Texas and a five-pointed star.