About Us

Our Origins

SGATX is the proud successor of the Texas State Guard Association (TXSGA).

Read Our ByLaws

Several years ago, a decision was made that the TXSG would be drawn closer to the National Guard if we dissolved the TXSGA as a support organization and folded in with the National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT). It was a good idea at the time, but times change. The current leaders of the TXSG asked a group of retired TXSG officers and NCOs to explore starting a new support organization separate from NGAT.

What We Do

SGATX is an IRS 501(c)(3) and a Texas Nonprofit Association, which means donations can be channeled through the SGATX by individuals, companies, and other organizations and a charitable deduction will be taken on their taxes. This is important because the Texas legislature does not always appropriate money for items needed or desired to accomplish the TXSG mission. Units and individuals can ask folks in their community to donate money or items to further their goals.

We will also act as a conduit for donated money for things like the Christmas Toy Drive, Military Prayer Breakfast, Individual Recognition for TXSG Enlisted, and NCO of the Year and may provide other items for which the legislature does not appropriate money.